Our Leadership
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way.
PSALM 37:23

Johnny L. Roberts, Sr.
In the year 1998, after accepting the District Manager’s position at Delta Life Insurance Company, Pastor Johnny Roberts, Sr. and his family relocated to the Macon Georgia area. Having a two-fold purpose in relocating him, God spoke to Elder Roberts in 2000 concerning a work in the Macon area. Elder Roberts immediately contacted Jurisdictional Bishop Mark Walden who encouraged him to go forth with the work. On the first Sunday in June 2000, the doors of the church were opened. The Word of life was derived from 1 John 1:1. In November 2005, God blessed this ministry to relocate to this present location at 656 Key Street in Macon, Georgia. In addition to his role as Pastor of Word of Life, Pastor Roberts serves as chairman to the Agape District.
Often people of destiny and greatness fail to leave an indelible mark on either mankind or society, only to retreat to the heavens without maximizing their God-given intended potential. Elder Roberts could never be accused of such an injustice to the body of Christ. Even as a young man, his passion in life has always been to make a deposit of knowledge, love, and compassion into every life he is privileged to encounter.
Because of his drive and focus, the vision that Pastor Johnny Roberts, Sr. has been given by God that the Word of Life family is the church to be a ministry of service not only to the parishioners that walk through our doors, but also to the surrounding community. That is why Word of Life excitedly got to work, doing whatever our hands could do in the ministry, and our goal of outreach has been truly rewarding. We implemented a monthly Sunday fellowship dinner, dinner on Thanksgiving Day open to the public, a summer feeding program, summer camp, and a thriving nursing home ministry.
Elder Roberts has not only maximized and excelled in what God has deposited in him, but he has also raised the bar for vision, leadership, administration, ecclesiastical intellect, and compassion to new and unfathomable levels. He possesses an internal spirit of excellence and enthusiasm, which inspires others to reflect their Godly best. His daily prayer is to live a life that brings Christ alive in the life of others, and to walk upright as David did, “a man after God’s own heart.”
“Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies…her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also and he praises her...”
PROVERBS 31: 10,28

Missionary Sarah Roberts currently faithfully serves as Elect Lady of the Word of Life Church God in Christ as well as the District Missionary for the Agape District. Missionary Roberts dedicatedly holds numerous roles in the church; serving as a Sunday school teacher, feeding program coordinator, Praise Leader, Women’s Department President, Youth Department worker and facilitator in the church. Simply put, she can be found doing whatever her hands find to do in the ministry.
Elect Lady Sarah Roberts educational pursuits allowed her to work as a media clerk and paraprofessional with special needs children with the Bibb County Board of Education for many years before retiring and taking those skills into the ministry where she now devotes her full time. God has called her to preach the gospel and share her testimony to lost souls who are trying to find a true connection and understanding of life.
District Missionary Sarah Roberts is indeed an “elect lady” of the Gospel, a rare jewel, fashioned by the Master’s touch with unusual ability to communicate the gospel of the Lord of Jesus Christ. She is indeed a woman of faith, excellence and action, who aspires to aid the body of Christ by bringing them into the knowledge of the manifested power of God through the Holy Writ, and the prophetic utterance.
This man and woman of God are blessed to have five biological children and are loving grandparents and great-grandparents. Pastor and Elect Lady Roberts continue to work hard in the vineyard and they train their members to do the same. Members at the Word of Life understand the true meaning of “each one reach one” because our leaders encourage us to perfect our witness.